February 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter

Skilled Worker Visas – what rules are changing? The Government has announced plans to cut net migration numbers into the UK. Several changes are set to be introduced from spring 2024 that employers need to be aware of when employing, or in some cases continuing to...
January 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter

The Leap Year, Protected Notice Pay & Paternity Leave… What does a leap year mean for employers? 29th February does not come around very often; only every four years in fact. And this year, 2024, is one of those years. But what difference does it make for...
December 2023 Newsletter

December 2023 Newsletter

Employee Retention, Equal Pay Reviews & Minimum Wage Increases… How to retain your best employees in 2024 As the challenges of recruitment intensify and employee expectations rise, business leaders must adopt strategic thinking to retain their top talent in...
The four-day working week

The four-day working week

The four-day working week: is it right for your business? Working a four-day week: does it mean “less value for money” or is it the answer to improving employee wellbeing, commitment and retention? The debate rumbles on, with valid points being made on both sides. In...
Suspension & Investigation

Suspension & Investigation

Can an Employer suspend an employee, pending an investigation? The simple answer is yes, you can suspend an employee pending an investigation, but it should be done for valid and justifiable reasons, and the process should adhere to established procedures and...