Workforce Planning

Workforce Planning

After weeks of Lockdown, many businesses are now starting to plan ahead, anticipating easement of current restrictions in the coming weeks. We at The HR Team are here to help you navigate the complex workforce planning decisions you may need to make in light of a...
Covid-19 update

Covid-19 update

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and Furlough The government has now announced a range of measures to support businesses during this uncertain time. One of these is the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme; under this scheme all UK employers will be able to access support...
Covid-19 : Returning to Work

Covid-19 : Returning to Work

Do you need support in planning your Company’s next steps following a period of furlough or once lockdown measures start easing? While at present there is no formal end to the government’s restrictions on work or travel, other countries have begun to ease certain...